The Avian Conservation Center / Center for Birds of Prey offers a compelling and distinctive opportunity for sponsor partnerships, leveraging one of the most significant collections of captive birds of prey in the United States with an ever growing audience now including over 40,000 individuals annually through educational programs, events, and visitors; and more than 100,000 individuals through digital and social media.
Whether sponsors are looking to maximize marketing visibility, offer unique client/employee experiences, or invest in regional workforce development, the Center’s network will be an invaluable resource to meet their needs. The Center’s multi-disciplinary approach to conservation and education often addresses multiple goals of corporate community involvement including education outreach, STEAM curriculum, wildlife and habitat preservation, environmental sustainability, research, medical care, mitigation of environmental harm in the event of a contaminant spill, & community enrichment.
A partnership with the Center is an opportunity for your company to invest in our shared future, defining and fostering a value system and underlying ethic that will literally determine what of the natural world we will preserve and what will be irrevocably lost.
Sponsorships include uniquely tailored opportunities to maximize your company’s needs, ranging from $500 to over $25,000. Sponsorships can be tied to:
Special Programs & Initiatives
- Educational, research, & treatment initiatives and programs
- An annual Swallow-tailed kite citizen science survey
- The South Carolina Coastal Raptor Migration Survey
One of the Center's Iconic Annual Events
- Bird Songs, a Nashville Songwriters event
- Wingspan, an annual gala event
Contact the Center today about beginning, or continuing, one of these unique partnerships:
Email: info@thecenterforbirdsofprey.org
Phone: 843-606-3403